The commercial and administrative centre, Doha, hosts the international airport, seaport, hotels, and sports facilities. Doha is built around a beautiful bay, along which there is a 7 km long corniche lined with lush gardens. Palm Tree Island beckons from the centre of the bay.
Today, Doha’s cosmopolitan spirit strikes a perfect balance with its rich cultural and religious heritage.
Qatar’s economy is very strong, due to its abundance of oil and natural gas reserves. This means that there is significant ongoing investment being made into the local infrastructure to support high standards of living and the successful development of tourism.
Qatar has a desert climate of hot summers and relatively warm winters. In the summer, the temperature ranges between 25 and 46 degrees centigrade. Rainfall in the winter is minimal and on average does not exceed 75.2mm, per year.
The Qataris are descended through ancient Arabian lines. This is due to the country’s geographical location and proximity to the Arabian Peninsula, on one hand, and to the close historical heritage, which the State shares with the rest of the States of the Arabian Peninsula, on the other. The present population is more than 1 million inhabitants most of whom reside in Doha, the capital city.
In spite of the changes that took place in the world oil market in 1991 as a result of the conditions that prevailed in 1990, notably the Gulf crisis; the disintegration of the Soviet Union, increased concern over environment protection, and continued effort by industrial nations to rationalize energy consumption, Qatar’s national economy has once again lent proof to the vitality and soundness of its basic structure and ability to stand firm in the face of an unstable world economy. Qatari oil has been the main source of national income.
Since the inauguration of the new oil refinery in 1983 the country has realized self sufficiency in oil products. It is worth mentioning that Qatar has one of the world’s three largest gas reserves and LNG export began at the end of the 1996. However, the State has not confined its aspirations just to that. It has been following a policy based on the principle of diversifying the sources of national income through expanding industrial and agricultural production bases, developing human resources, assigning a bigger role to the private sector, working to realize a surplus in the balance of payments by increasing exports and decreasing imports, and reducing the State’s national budget deficit by applying necessary financial and monetary policies and corrective programs in order to achieve reasonable growth rates.
Today, a number of international companies and agencies have begun opening branches in Qatar, aware that it is a profitable and efficient place for their products. Therefore, we could say that the State of Qatar plays an interesting role in the world business economy and especially in the Gulf Market.Situated halfway up the western shore of the Arabian Gulf, Qatar is almost completely surrounded by sea. It borders Saudi Arabia on the west, and is located to north of the United Arab Emirates and just southeast of Bahrain. Well-preserved natural and historical sites, coupled with top-caliber business, sports, dining, shopping and accommodation facilities, render Qatar the perfect gateway to the Arabian Gulf. The commercial and administrative centre, Doha, hosts the international airport, seaport, hotels, and sports facilities. Doha is built around a beautiful bay, along which there is a 7 km long Corniche lined with lush gardens. Palm Tree Island beckons from the centre of the bay. Today, Doha’s cosmopolitan spirit strikes a perfect balance with its rich cultural and religious heritage. Qatar’s economy is very strong, due to the abundance of oil and natural gas reserves. This means that there is significant ongoing investment being made into the local infrastructure to support high standards of living and the successful development of tourism, education and social services.
The National airline, Qatar Airways has become one of the best airlines in the skies today flying a modern fleet of aircraft to over 80 destinations worldwide.
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